

The Benefits of Laughter

I was at a conference recently in which the presenter cited a statistic that blew me away. Did you know that the average 4-year-old laughs 400 times a day and the average 40-year-old laughs 4 times a day? This means that too few adults are accessing the health benefits of laughter.

Laughter is one of the earliest forms of communication, it becomes available to the infant long before words do. It can be a very pure form of communication, and it certainly is up until we learn to fake it. But even though all of us are familiar with the hollow form that laughter can take, we also know the release that a genuine belly laugh can provide.

Laughter really is good medicine. Its effects include reducing stress hormones like cortisol and increasing the level of health-enhancing hormones and neurotransmitters. It also increases antibodies and it improves the work of T cells in the body which help us to fight viruses. It also reduces muscular tension, improves blood flow and lowers blood sugar levels.

Laughter also reduces stress and improves sleep. It is considered a prevention for depression and anxiety since it has such a positive effect on mood and brain functioning. It has also been shown to improve relationships and increases how much you attract others. And even though laughter tends to be accentuated when you share it with others, laughing on your own works just fine.

There are lots of ways to increase opportunities to laugh. Simply making the conscious effort to laugh more will help you. You might worry that it will seem strange at first, but it can easily build into genuine laughter with persistence. Select humorous books, radio shows or movies to get you going. Play with children, they are tremendous at finding the silly within the ordinary. Spend time with friends who tend to be funny or those who simply like to laugh. Intentionally look for the humor in life and start collecting a repertoire of funny memories to reflect upon to lift your spirits anytime you want or need.

See if you can find ways to incorporate more laughter throughout your day. It will make your days brighter and provide an antidote for the curveballs that life throws our way. If you or someone you know need help to build a happier life, we would be more than happy to help. You can reach us at 514 223 5327.

Written by: Shawna Atkins, Ph.D., OPQ.


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