

Oculocardiac Reflex

Recently I learned about the oculocardiac reflex in the eyes that can serve as a very powerful doorway to the relaxation response. This reflex is regulated by twelve muscles (six in each eye) that hold the eyeball in place called the extraocular muscles. These twelve muscles are crucial not only to our ability to focus our vision but they are also essential for our survival since the evolution of our species has depended upon our eyes to detect danger. The extraocular eye muscles contain nerve endings that are the source of the oculocardiac reflex (OCR), a very powerful parasympathetic body reflex. The OCR directly affects the vagus nerve which runs from the brain directly down the spinal cord to the heart and the stomach. When activated, the OCR communicates to the vagus nerve that we are not in danger thus initiating an immediate signal to slow down heart rate, lower blood pressure and relax the body.

I have always wondered why the eye pillow in yoga felt so good. I discovered it during a yoga nidra class I was taking and I have since incorporated it into the savasana of my regular practice because I liked it so much. I also keep an eye pillow next to my bed for those times when I have difficulty sleeping and it works like a charm.

If you have been diagnosed with low blood pressure, bradychardia (a reduced heart rate), or a cardiac arrhythmia (an irregular heart rate), please consult with your physician before trying this. If these are not concerns for you, I invite you to try this to activate your OCR and help you deepen your relaxation. Lightly cover your eyes with the palms of your hands, experiment with the pressure to find what feels right for you. Alternatively, you can invest in an eye pillow for about $10. I encourage you to sustain this for 10 to 15 minutes to allow it enough time to work its magic. You can also deepen the response by lying down and by combining it with diaphragmatic breathing.

Any of you who suffer from anxiety will undoubtedly find this helpful. There have been a few studies that have shown the OCR reflex to be an effective strategy to reduce anxiety and eliminate panic attacks.

May this idea serve you well in your pursuit to manage stress in your life. If you or anyone you know need support, give us a call at 514 223 5327.

Written by: Shawna Atkins, Ph.D.


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